Bach / Messiaen / Pärt / Chrobokova: Katt – Organ Works – Chrobokova

Toccata und Fuge d-moll BWV 565
Bogorodice Djevo
Livre du Saint Sacrament
Prière aprés la Communion
Messe de la Pentecôte (Pfingstmesse)
Communion: Les oiseaux et les sources
Sortie: Le vent de l’Esprit
Pari intervallo
Variationen über Veni Sancte Spiritus
Toccata und Fuge d-moll BWV 538 “Dorische” (Auszug)

Katerina Chrobokova

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 3/6/2016
SKU: 0099925418922 Categories: ,


   in Choir & Organ (Jul, 2016)
Katerina Chroboková, alias Kätt, plays an idiosyncratic programme, from Bach to works of her own. A player of considerable ability, her fascination with minimalist patterns is shown well in her own work, Slavkof, contrasting reflective and brilliant writing. The Pärt works are an effective foil to Messiaen’s birdsong-inspired writing in Les oiseaux et les sources. Her singing in two works based on old chant will surprise many – ranging from a whisper to a shout – a jazz or folk style of vocalising, the voice recorded closer than the organ, which raises questions of balance. Maybe contemporary Czech music rather than Bach would have framed this bold programme more satisfactorily. …

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