Gardiner: Balfour Gardiner: The Complete Songs, Three Piano – Oxenham

The Stranger’s (or Hangman’s) Song
When I was one-and-twenty
The Wanderer’s Evensong
The Golden Vanity
Music, when soft voices die
The Recruit
Prelude De Profundis
The Banks of Calm Bendemeer
Ah, sweet those eyes
How sweet I roam’d from field to field
Dirge ‘Rough wind that moanest loud’
Song ‘Lightly we met in the morn’
D’un Vanneur du Blé aux Vents
Shepherd Fennel’s Dance
Fidele ‘Fear no more the heat o’ the sun’
Full fathom five
On Chelsea Embankment
A Sailors’ Piece
The Quiet Garden

Oxenham, Martin

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 20/3/2015
UGS : 0802561045021 Catégories : ,



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