Palestrina Volume 6

Parce mihi, Domine
Peccantem me quotidie
Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis
Tribulationes civitatum audivimus
Super flumina Babylonis
Song of songs (Auszug)
Surge amica mea
Dilectus meus mihi
Surgam et circuibo civitatem
De profundis clamavi
Missa l’homme armé (Messe)
Agnus Dei 1 – Agnus Dei 2
Tribularer si nescirem

The Sixteen / Christophers, Harry

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/6/2015
UGS : 0828021613326 Catégories : ,


   in Early Music Today (Sep, 2015)
In the 15th and 16th centuries it was a common practice for choral composers to write sacred works based on secular melodies. ‘L’Homme arme’ was a popular French song of the early 1400s that found its way into many mass settings, not least those of Josquin, Morales and Tinctoris. Palestrina was merely following in the footsteps of his illustrious forbears when he wrote his masses on the theme that were published in 1570 and 1582. The melody appears in every part of the mass, either in an immediately recognizable form or elongated in a cantus firmus.

We’re now on the sixth disc of Harry Christophers and the Sixteen’s survey of Palestrina’s …

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