Alkmaar : The Organs of the Laurenskerk

Oeuvres de Sweelinck, Hofhaimer, van Dalem, van Noordt, Schuyt, Weckmann…

Pieter van Dijk, Frank van Wijk, Leo van Doeselaar & Bernard Winsemius, orgue

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 12/10/2013
UGS : 0639767628198 Catégories : ,



   in Choir & Organ (Sep, 2013)
The much-celebrated 1646/1725 Van Hagerbeer/ Schnitger organ of the Laurenskerk, Alkmaar, is the star of this impressive release from Fugue State Films. Yet it is not the only historic instrument featured; the other three organs (including the 1511 Van Covelens in the same church) are each as important.

As a Catholic church, the Laurenskerk used the Van Covelens organ (high on the north wall of the choir twinned with a similar instrument on the opposite wall) to accompany alternatim chant and other liturgy. After the Reformation the church was reordered for use by a large Protestant congregation, which required hefty support for its wayward psalm singing. The City leapt at the …

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