Kabalevsky : Les quatre concertos pour piano. Francis.

Dimitri Kabalevski (1904-1987)
Concerto pour piano n° 1 en la mineur, op. 9
Concerto pour piano n° 2 en sol mineur, op. 23
Concerto pour piano n° 3 en ré majeur (“Youth”), op. 50
Fantaisie en fa mineur pour piano et orchestre (after Schubert)
Rhapsodie pour piano et orchestre (sur un thème from the Mélodie “School Years”), op. 75
Concerto pour piano n° 4 (“Prague”), op. 99

Michael Korstick (piano)
Orchestre Symphonique de la NDR
Alun Francis

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 1/6/2012
UGS : 0761203765829 Catégories : ,


Piano International (Mar, 2013)
Teachers know Kabalevsky’s Sonatinas and short pieces for beginners; Horowitz, no less, used to play the Prokofiev-saturated Third Sonata. What are these practically unknown concertos like?

Both musically and politically, Kabalevsky (1904-87) was a magpie, his soundworld recalling not just Prokofiev but Glazunov, Shostakovich and Rachmaninov too. He composed in the era of The Terror, and it was only by adroit ducking and diving that he – almost uniquely among Soviet composers – avoided Stalinist censure.

The first two concertos (1928 and 1935) recycle the Romantic Grand Manner at satisfying length (32 and 24 minutes). The Third (1952), deliberately written – like the better-known C major Violin Concerto, Op 48 – …

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