Cesena : Chansons pour les papes, les princes et les mercenaires.

Anonyme, Codex Chantilly
Pictagore per dogmata O terra sancta Rosa vernans, Motet

Philippus de Caserta
Espoir dont tu m’a fayt partir, Mélodie

Solage (?1360-?1410)
Corps feminin
Fumeux Fume par fumee

Philippus de Caserta
Par les bons Gedeon et Sanson delivre (The Worthy Gedeon and Samson), Mélodie

Anonyme, Codex Chantilly
Inter densas deserti meditansImbribus irriguisAdmirabilem est, Motet

Matheus de Sancto Johanne (13th Century-?1365-1389)
Science n’a nul annemi, Mélodie

Johannes Galiot
En atendant d’avoir la douce vie, rondeau (from the Chantilly Manuscript)

Johannes Ciconia (?1335-1411)

Jaquemin de Senleches (?1355-?1398)
Fuions de ci, fuions, povre compaigne, Ballade

Traditional, Croatian
Cujes li mi Majko, Mélodie

Hodie puer nascitur

Anonyme, Codex Chantilly
Adieu vous di, tres doulce compaygnie, Ballade

Antoni Fajardo
Thomas Vanlede (voix)
Olalla Aleman (voix)
Albert Riara (voix)
Marius Peterson
Tomàs Maxé


Bjorn Schmelzer

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 24/1/2012
UGS : 8424562321069 Catégories : ,


Choir & Organ (Mar, 2012)
Groups with original views on performance practice continue to thrive. one such is Graindelevoix and, having toiled through the bizarre packaging, I found in Cesena – Songs of Popes, Princes and Mercenaries more than enough to pique the ear. Their purely vocal take on material from the Codex Chantilly and other sources will divide opinion with weirdly daring portamento, pungently distinctive voices and an almost improvisatory air that brings the ars subtilior right into the 21st century. …

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