An Elizabethan Christmas – Fretwork

Byrd Out of the Orient Crystal Skies; From Virgin’s Womb – Rejoice, Rejoice; Lullaby; An Earthly Tree – Cast Off All Doubtful Care; O God that Guides the Cheerful Sun
Holborne Pavan; As it Fell on Holie Eve; The Cradle; Lullabie; The New-Yeares Gift; Heigh Ho Holiday
Gibbons Fantazys Nos. 1 & 2 a 4 “For Ye Great Dooble Bass”
Peerson Attendite; Upon my Lap, my Sovereign Sits
Weelkes To Shorten Winter’s Sadnesse
Anonymous Sweet was the Song the Virgin Sang

Helen Charlston, Fretwork

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 22/10/2021
UGS : 0635212068021 Catégories : ,



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