Traditional Glees & Madrigals – Pro Cantione Antiqua, Brown

Hark all ye lovely saints (Thomas Weelkes)
Though amaryllis dance (William Byrd)
Fyer, fyer (Thomas Morley)
Sweet suffolk owl (Thomas Vautor)
April is in my mistress’ face (Thomas Morley)
Music divine (Thomas Tomkins)
Come, gentle swains (Michael Cavendish)
My bonny lass she smileth (Thomas Morley)
Ah, dear heart (Orlando Gibbons)
Thus sings my dearest jewel (Thomas Weelkes)
Sleep, fleshly birth (Robert ramsey)
O that the learned poets (Orlando Gibbons)

Foresters sound the cheerful horn (Henry Bishop)
Epitaph on a dormouse (Benjamin Cooke)
Strike the lyre (Thomas Cooke)
The goslings (J. Frederick Bridge)
Two snails (J. Frederick Bridge)
Come let us join the roundelay (William Beale)
Breathe soft, ye winds (William Paxton)
Sweet and low (Joseph Barnby)
There is a paradise on earth (R. L. de Pearsall)
Who will o’er the downs so free (R. L. de Pearsall)
Waters of elle (R. L. de Pearsall)
The kiss (Joseph Barnby)
The squirrel (George T. Smart)
As torrents in summer (Edward Elgar)
The long day closes (Arthur Sullivan)

Pro Cantione Antiqua

Paul Esswood, contre-ténor
Kevin Smith, contre-ténor
Paul Elliott, ténor
James Griffett, ténor
Ian Partridge, ténor
Brian Etheridge, basse
Michael George, basse

Mark Brown, direction
Philip Ledger, direction

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/8/2010
UGS : 5055354410956 Catégories : ,



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