Willaert / Desprez / Palestrina / Gombert / Manchicourt: Scenes From The Gospels

Angelus Domini ad pastores
Homo erat
Videns Dominus
Pater, peccavi
In diebus illis
Domine, si tu es
In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus
In illo tempore dixit Jesus
In illo tempore stabant
Tulerunt Dominum meum
Angelus Domini descendit

Viva Voce

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/1/2001
SKU: 0722056269520 Categories: ,


Choir & Organ (Jul, 2014)
Canadian Viva Voce enjoys the sort of intelligent programming and direction from Peter Schubert that should smooth the ruffled brow of a reviewer wishing for greater vocal colour and technical security from these twelve singers. In Scenes from the Gospels their subtle and serious interpretations of works by Gombert, Willaert, Palestrina and Josquin et al. expose laudable aspirations on which they might build. …

0/5 (0 Reviews)


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