
Affect Is No Crime. New Music For Old Instruments – Europa Ritrovata

Morlock Revenant for Flute, Baroque Violin, Viola da Gamba & Harpsichord
Linde Anspielungen for Flute
Fontyn La Fenetre Ouverte for Flute, Viola da Gamba & Harpsichord
Liontiris Sun Bleached for Flute, Baroque Violin, Viola da Gamba, Harpsichord & Electronica
Tiensuu Tiet / Lots for Flute, Baroque Violin, Viola da Gamba, Harpsichord

Europa Ritrovata

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/10/2019
SKU: 3760195731161 Categories: , ,

Original price was: 11,90€.Current price is: 5,95€.

Promotion ends on: 31/08/2024


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