Adams : Clouds of Forgetting
John Luther Adams (1953-)
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing
minor seconds, rising
Clouds of mixed Seconds
Major Seconds, rising
Clouds of Seconds and thirds
diminished bells
Clouds of mixed Thirds
Forgotten Triads
Lost Chorales
Clouds of Perfect Fourths
Turbulent Changes
Clouds of Perfect Fifths
Chorales return
Triads, remembered
Clouds of mixed Sixths
…and bells, again
Clouds of Sixths and sevenths
minor sevenths, rising
clouds of mixed Sevenths
Major Sevenths, rising
Clouds of mixed Seconds
Major Seconds, rising
Clouds of Seconds and thirds
diminished bells
Clouds of mixed Thirds
Forgotten Triads
Lost Chorales
Clouds of Perfect Fourths
Turbulent Changes
Clouds of Perfect Fifths
Chorales return
Triads, remembered
Clouds of mixed Sixths
…and bells, again
Clouds of Sixths and sevenths
minor sevenths, rising
clouds of mixed Sevenths
Major Sevenths, rising
Joann Falletta, direction
Apollo Chamber Orchestra
Il n’y a pas encore d’avis.