Bach: Kantaten BWV 101,103,115 – Philippe Herreweghe

Dorothee Mields, Damien Guillon, Thomas Hobbs, Peter Kooij, Collegium Vocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 19/9/2017
SKU: 5400439000278 Categories: , ,


Chaque album consacré par Philippe Herreweghe aux cantates de Bach s’impose au sommet de la discographie. Ce nouvel opus ne fait pas exception.

Elk album dat Philippe Herreweghe wijdde aan de cantates van Bach behoort tot de hoogtepunten van de discografie. Dit nieuwe werkstuk is hierop geen uitzondering.

   in Choir & Organ (May, 2018)
Philippe Herreweghe’s recorded survey of Bach’s cantatas continues with this fine CD of three rather austere examples from the Kantor’s second year at Leipzig. None is for the great feast days of the Lutheran church – BWV 101 is for the 13th Sunday after Trinity, BWV 115 for the 22nd Sunday after Trinity, and BWV 103 for the 3rd Sunday after Easter – yet therein lies something of Bach’s genius and Christian devotion: namely, that he would lavish such care and attention on cantatas for three seemingly ordinary Sundays. These performances are a world away from Stephen Layton’s approach in the B minor Mass: the small choral and instrumental forces render …

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