Eduard Adolf Tod: Organ Works – Jan Lehtola

Thuille Organ Sonata Op. 2 in A minor
Reinecke Organ Sonata in G minor, Op. 284
Tod Wie schön leucht’t uns der Morgenstern: Fantasie: Wie schön leucht’t uns der Morgenstern, Op. 4
Tod Introduction and Fuge über das Benedicamus Domino
Tod Organ Sonata in B flat major, Op. 3
Tod Andante Religioso, op. 10
Ritter Organ Sonata No. 3 in A minor, Op. 23

Jan Lehtola, Tuulia Ylonen, Petri Komulainen

Format: 1 CD
Date de sortie : 1/2/2019
Code barre : 5060113445056 Catégories : ,


   in Choir & Organ (May, 2019)
A celebrated organist in his time, Eduard Tod composed only a handful of organ works for organ. I cannot fault the performances here, but I do question the juxtaposition of repertoire: rather than Jan Lehtola’s intention to illustrate the evolution of German organ sonata form in the 19th century, the bookending of Tod’s music with organ sonatas by Thuille, Reinecke and Ritter only serves to make Tod’s more Mendelssohnian sonata feel the poorer cousin. The Walcker organ ought to be ideal, but later alterations added French-style reeds, and it is a real shame that Lehtola makes so much use of these stops, which over- dominate, rather than colour, the intricate textures …

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