L’Art d’Alfred Deller.

Mélodies populaires élisabéthaines
The Three Ravens
The Cuckoo
How Should I Your True Love Know (Ophelia’s song from Hamlet)
Sweet Nightingale
I Will Give My Love an Apple
The Oak and the Ash
King Henry
Coventry Carol
Barbara Allen
Heigh Ho, the Wind and the Rain (Twelfth Night)
Waly, Waly
Down in Yon Forest
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
The Tailor and the Mouse

Airs jacobiens
Can she excuse my wrongs
Of all the birds that I do know
If my complaints could passions move
I care not for these ladies
From silent night

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Music for a while
If music be the food of love
Fairest Isle (from King Arthur)
Sweeter than roses
Crown the altar (from Ode on Queen Mary’s Birthday)
I attempt from love’s sickness to fly (from The Indian Queen)

Alfred Deller, contre-ténor
Desmond Dupre, guitare, luth
Gustav Leonhardt, clavecin
The Deller Consort

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/5/2014
SKU: 5055031314195 Categories: ,




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