Ortiz : Recercadas del Trattado de Glosas. Savall, Koopman.

Format: 1 SACD Hybrid
Release date: 1/11/2013
SKU: 7619986398990 Categories: , ,


   in Early Music Today (Dec, 2013)
Published in Rome in 1553 Tratado de Glosas, by Spanish composer and viol player Diego Ortiz, is a remarkable book of pieces for viola da gamba and mixed accompaniment, chiefly a keyboard instrument (here, Ton Koopman playing clavicembalo and pipe organ). Whether for the short, four-part suite for solo gamba or the lithe but weighty dances of the final ‘Recercadas sobre tenores’, the music of Tratado de Glosas is both lyrical and melodically imaginative. Joined by performers Andrew Lawrence-King (harp), Koopman and Rolf Lislevand (lute), Savall brings Ortiz’s music vividly to light with typically expressive playing in this 1989 recording, released on the Heritage section of Savall’s own label, which …

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