Purcell: The Indian Queen

Catch – To all lovers of music, performance and scrapers
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Indian Queen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen
The Masque of Hymen

The Sixteen / Christophers, Harry

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 27/3/2015
SKU: 0828021612923 Categories: ,


Choir & Organ (Jul, 2015)
Seventeenth-century audiences would have been used to hearing Henry Purcell’s The Indian Queen followed by The Masque of Hymen, added by Daniel Purcell to offer audiences the jolly conclusion they craved. Singers and players of The Sixteen bring us as close as we might get to the original experience with a nimble band, incandescent with energy and intensity, revealing Purcell’s detailed creative palette with rare vividness. The singing, sometimes sublime, is never less than highly competent and the drama zips along with satisfying vim. …

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