Spirituals – St. Jacobs Chamber Choir

Deep river
Amazing Grace
My Lord, what a morning
Ain’t got time to die
Po’ Mo’ner Got a Home at Las’
Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel?
Plenty good room

Judith Cloud
Feet de Jesus

Bright Morning Stars

Carl Schalk
Before the marvel de this night

Anders Paulsson (1961-)
Lullaby pour Joe Robin, op. 13
Hymne pour the Homeless, op. 18
Toccata en ré majeur, op. 20


Anders Paulsson (saxophone soprano)
Andrew Canning (orgue)
Gary Graden (ténor)
Steve Dobrogosz (piano)
John Williams (baryton)
Anders Paulsson (saxophone)
Marymal Holmes (soprano)

St. Jacob’s Chamber Choir

Gary Graden

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/1/1996
SKU: 7318590050064 Categories: ,



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