Destiny – Wolf Krakowski

Tate-mame (My father and mother)
Dona, Dona
Kh’vel shoyn mer nisht ganvenen (I’ll never steal again)
Mit farmakhte oygn (With eyes closed)
A shod dayne trern (A waste of your tears)
Tsum sof vest du zayn mayn (You will be mine)
Drey, Dreydl (Spin, Dreydl)
Tife griber, royter laym (Deep pits, red clay)
Hundert (One hundred)
Lomir trakhtn nor fun haynt (Let’s just think about today)
Gib zhe khaver a roykher ton (Buddy, have a smoke with me)

Wolf Krakowski

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 8/8/2002
SKU: 0702397716624 Categories: ,



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