Alessandro Scarlatti: Passio Secundum Johannem – Leonardo Garcia Alarcon

Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Millenium, Giuseppina Bridelli, Leonardo Garcia Alarcon

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 10/3/2017
SKU: 5400439003781 Categories: , ,


A la veille des fêtes de Pâques, Leonardo García Alarcón dévoile une Passion selon Saint Jean d’Alessandro Scarlatti, probablement la première composée au XIIe siècle en Italie.

Aan de vooravond van Pasen onthult Leonardo García Alarcón een Johannes Passie van Alessandro Scarlatti, waarschijnlijk de eerste ooit gecomponeerd in het 17de eeuwse Italië.

   in Choir & Organ (May, 2017)
These are excellent Passions, three of them recorded in live performances, all performed with period instruments and sung in original languages with integrity, commitment and obvious empathy with both music and context. Alessandro Scarlatti’s St John Passion was the first Passion setting in 17th-century Italy. Set in Latin, the Evangelist’s recitative is extremely varied in style, and the utterances of Jesus are surrounded by a halo of strings (did Bach know it?). The recitative accompaniment is extremely rich and imaginative, containing theorbo, archlute, triple harp, organ and harpsichord, all used in various combinations to dramatise the characters and colour the events. In this recording, scenes from the Passion are interspersed with …

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