Bach : Oratorio De Pâques. Brüggen.

Johann Sebastian Bach : Oratorio de Pâques BWV 249. Concerto pour orgue d’après BWV 35 et 156.

Ilse Eerens (soprano), Michael Chance (contre-ténor), Markus Schäfer (ténor), David Wilson-Johnson (basse), Pieter-Jan Belder (orgue), Cappella Amsterdam, Orchestre du xviiie siècle, Frans Brüggen, direction.

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 20/3/2012
SKU: 8424562211155 Categories: ,


Choir & Organ (Sep, 2016)
Palestrina composed a madrigal so popular that it became musical source material for many sacred works including Baldassare Vialardo’s Missa Vestiva I colli, here recorded with the sections interleaved with motets by Cima, Grancini, Rognoni, Donati, Banchieri, Selma and Dongois. This is a marvellous programme and, if the singing is a bit Germanic and the acoustics cool, there’s plenty of sunshine in the sprightly, shapely playing of Musica Fiorita. …

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