Charles Ives: Orchestral Works Vol.3 – Jean-Efflam Bavouzet

Symphony No.3 “The Camp Meeting”
Symphony No.4
Orchestral Set Nr. 2

Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Davis

Format: 1 SACD Hybrid
Release date: 10/3/2017
SKU: 0095115517420 Categories: , ,


   in Classical Music (May, 2017)
The third volume in Davis’ excellent Melbourne cycle is the meatiest so far. The third symphony can seem a slight work under some conductors: here it shines, with the middle ‘Children’s Day’ movement especially fine. The fourth symphony is a very different beast, wild and unpredictable, but Davis somehow keeps it together: it has never sounded better on record and Bavouzet is the very definition of luxury casting, here on top form. Generously coupled and as fine in stereo as in surround, this is a most enticing disc. …

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