Dolcissimo Sospiro – Celine Scheen & Philippe Pierlot

Giulio Caccini Dolcissimo sospiro, Dovrò dunque morire, Amor io parto
Tobias Hume What greater griefe, Touch me lightly – Tickell me quickly – Tickell, tickell, Love’s Farewell, Adue sweet Love
Robert Jones S’amor non è, In Sherwood lived stout Robin, Now what’s Love
Gervise Gerrarde Paven
Alfonso Ferrabosco Ii Galliard Coranto, Allman Coranto, Why stays the bridegroom, Why stays the bridegroom
Daniel Farrant Pavin
John Wilbye Weep, weep mine eyes
Anonymes Robin Hood, Praeludium, Bonny sweet Robin

Celine Scheen & Philippe Pierlot

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 23/2/2024
SKU: 0698142574659 Categories: , , ,



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