Franz Schubert: Lieder – Benjamin Appl

Am Bach im Fruhling, D361
Der Wanderer an den Mond D870 (Seidl)
Im Freien D880
Geheimes, D719 (Goethe)
Das Lied im Grünen, D917
Fischerweise, D881 (Schlechta)
Verklarung D59 (Herder, after Pope)
An den Tod D518 (Schubart)
Der Zwerg, D771 (Collin)
An die Leier, D737 (Bruchmann)
Gruppe aus dem Tartarus, second version, D583 (Schiller)
Memnon, D541 (Mayrhofer)
Alinde, D904
Der Kampf D594 (Schiller)
Die Gebüsche, D646
Im Abendrot, D799
Wiedersehn D855 (A W von Schlegel)
Die Taubenpost, D965A (D957 No. 14)

Graham Johnson Benjamin Appl

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 29/4/2016
SKU: 5065000924836 Categories: ,



   in Classical Music (Jul, 2016)
Much of Wigmore Hall’s ambitious project to perform all of Schubert’s Lieder is appearing on disc and this recital, from March last year, is a valuable highlight. Appl possesses both penetrating insight and an enviable control of tone and colour, both laid squarely at the service of the music: the sense of line in Am Bach im Fruhling, for example, is remarkable. Der Zwerg is terrifying, an opera in miniature, yet with nothing over-done; Im Abendrot is a model of restrained simplicity; one could go on. Johnson is a stylish, eloquent partner throughout and the recording is demonstration quality. …

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