Henry Purcell : La Musique sacrée. King.

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
O sing unto the Lord, Z 44
O prière God en his holiness, Z 42
Prière the Lord, O Jerusalem, Z 46
It is a good thing to give thanks, Z 18
O give thanks unto the Lord, Z 33
Let mine eyes run down avec tears, Z 24
My beloved spake, Z 28
Blessed are they that fear the Lord, Z 5
Behold, now prière the Lord, Z 3
I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, Z 20
My Mélodie shall be alway, Z 31
Te Deum et Jubilate en ré majeur, Z 232
Blow up the trompette en Sion, Z 10
The Lord is King, be the people never so impatient, Z 53
Begin the Mélodie et strike the living lyre, Z 183
Thy word is a lantern unto my feet, Z 61
Tell me, some pitying Ange, Z 196 “Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation”
Hear my Prière, O Lord, Z 15
Lord I can suffer thy rebukes, Z 136
O Lord our governor, Z 39
Remember not, Lord, our offences, Z 50
Hosanna to the highest, Z 187
O God, thou hast cast us out, Z 36
Behold, I bring you glad tidings, Z 2
Since God so tender a regard, Z 143
Early, O Lord, my fainting soul, Z 132
Sleep, Adam, sleep et take thy rest, Z 195
Awake, awake ye dead, Z 182
The earth trembled, Z 197
The way de God is an undefiled way, Z 56
Lord, not to us but to thy name, Z 137
Lord, what is man?, Z 192
Sing unto God, Z 52
O all ye people, clap your mains, Z 138
My heart is inditing, Z 30
Oh Lord, rebuke me not, Z 40
Avec sick et famish’d eyes, Z 200
How long, great God, Z 189
Awake et avec attention hear, Z 181
O God, thou art my God, Z 35
We sing to Him whose wisdom form’d the ear, Z 199
Prière the Lord, O my soull that is within me, Z 47
O, I’m sick de life, Z 140
O God, the king de glory, Z 34
Let the night perish, Z 191 “Job’s Curse”
When sur my sick bed I languish, Z 144
Rejoice en the Lord Alway, Z 49 “cloche Hymne”
Why do the heathen so furiously rage together? Z 65
Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth? Z 26
O Lord, grant the king a long life, Z 38
Hear me, o Lord, the great support, Z 133
Thou wakeful shepherd, Z 198 “Morning Hymne”
Who hath believed our reports?, Z 64
I will love thee oh Lord, Z 67
Great God et just, Z 186
Plung’d en the confines de despair, Z 142
O prière the Lord, all ye heathen, Z 43
My heart is fixed, O God, Z 29
I was glad when they said unto me, O Lord
O consider my adversity, Z 32
Beati omnes qui timent Dominum, Z 131
I was glad when they said unto me, O Lord, Z 19
En the black dismal dungeon de despair, Z 190
Save me, O God, Z 51
Morning et Evening Service en si bémol majeur, Z 230
Thy way, O God, is holy, Z 60

Tambour processional

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
March et Canzona en do mineur, Z 860
Man that is born de a woman, Z 27
En the midst de life, Z 17b
Thou know’st, Lord, the secrets de our hearts, Z 58b
Thou know’st, Lord, the secrets de our hearts, Z 58c

Tambour recessional

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
En thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, Z 16
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, Z 9
Jehova, quam multi sunt, Z 135
Full de wrath his threatening breath, Z 185
Bow down thine ear, O Lord, Z 11
Magnificat et Nunc dimittis en sol mineur, Z 231
Be merciful onto me, Z 4
They that go down to the sea en ships, Z 57
The Lord is my light, Z 55
The Lord is king, the earth may be glad, Z 54
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven, Z 8
O Lord God de hosts, Z 37
Let God arise, Z 23
Blessed be the Lord my strength, Z 6
O Lord our governor, Z 141
En guilty night, Z 134
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
I will give thanks unto the Lord, Z 21
Lynne Dawson (soprano)
Nicolas Witcomb (Treble)
Mark Kennedy (Treble)
Michael George (basse)
Robert Evans (basse)
Eamonn O’Dwyer (Treble)
Susan Gritton (soprano)
Paul Agnew (ténor)
Rogers Covey-Crump (ténor)
Charles Daniels (ténor)
Rogers Covey-Crump (contreténor)
Mark Padmore (ténor)

King’s Consort
King’s Consort Choir
New College Choir, Oxford

Robert King

Format: 11 CD
Release date: 29/11/2002
SKU: 0034571141411 Categories: , ,



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