Into This World This Day Did Come – Choir Of Gonville & Caius College

Creator of the stars of night
Adam lay y-bounden
Edi beo thu
Cradle song
That yongë child
Quam pulchra es (Motette)
Salus aeterna
Salvator mundi Domine
To Bethlem did they go
God would be born in thee
Tui sunt caeli
Into this world, this day did come
The innumerable Christ
Verbum Patris umanatur
Christo paremus cantica
Christmas carol
Nowell sing we
Incarnation with shepherds dancing
Nowell sing we

Choir Of Gonville & Caius College

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 8/4/2016
SKU: 0801918340758 Categories: ,



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