John Turner: Christmas Card Carols – Intimate Voices

A nativity carol
A song on the birth of Christ
A flemish carol
Adam lay ybounden
I sing of a maiden (Version 1)
Christmas lullaby
Candle vesper
Invocation to sleep
Lullay, my liking (Version 1)
The virgin’s cradle hymn
Away in a manger
Gloria carol
Rocking hymn
I sing of a maiden (Version 2)
The rose
Lullay, my liking (Version 2)
Rocking carol
Watt’s cradle song
The garden of Jesus
Christmas music
Make we merry

Intimate Voices, Christopher Stokes

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/10/2017
SKU: 0809730516122 Categories: ,



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