Carl Michael Ziehrer: Die Landstreicher – Froschauer

Froschauer, Helmuth / Wdr Rundfunkchor

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/1/2016
SKU: 0845221052618 Categories: ,


   in Opera Now (Mar, 2016)
With some relief, I finish with Ziehrer’s Die Landstreicher (The Vagabonds), a Viennese operetta from 1899. One disc of music, no dialogue, and delicious it is too, conducted by Helmuth Froschauer with a deft cast headed by Daniel Behle’s sunny tenor. Catchy melodies, toe-tapping rhythms, 19 numbers and almost each a winner. It really is a tonic, or more appropriately, a glass of champagne. …

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