Arias For Silvio Garghetti – Markus Miesenberger

Fux Arias from Julio Ascanio, Re d’Alba; Dafne in Lauro; Pulcheria
Ziani Aria “Chi piacere altrue desia” from La Flora
A. Bononcini Arias from Arminio & La Presa di Tebe
G. Bononcini Arias from Proeto sul Reno, Il Fiore delle Eroine, Il Ritorno di Giulio Cesare
Caldara Aria “Nelle membra lacerate” from La Verita nell’inganno
Conti Arias from Alba Cornelia, Amore in Tessaglia, Il Finto policare
Kaiser Joseph I Aria “Piu d’ogni stella” from La Flora

Markus Miesenberger, Neue Wiener Hofkapelle

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/1/2018
UGS : 7619990103726 Catégories : ,


   in Opera Now (Mar, 2018)
More rarities courtesy of tenor Markus Miesenberger, who tackles arias written for a forgotten predecessor, Silvio Garghetti. Miesenberger came across music composed for the 18th-century singer in a library and divined that the tenor must have been a star of his day, with a variety of composers using his talents and even Emperor Joseph I writing an aria for him (included on the CD). It is all interesting to a point. The music is intermittently engaging, but does make one realise why it didn’t set the world on fire. Miesenberger has a pleasing tenor, capable and used with taste; however, he doesn’t display a particularly wide variety of vocal colours, and …

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