Arnold Schoenberg: Gurrelieder – Dutch National Opera

Burkhard Fritz, Emily Magee, Anna Larsson, Markus Marquard, Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke, Sunnyi Melles, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Chorus of the Dutch National Opera, Marc Albrecht & Pierre Audi

Format: 1 DVD Video
Release date: 7/1/2017
SKU: 0809478012276 Categories: ,


   in Opera Now (Feb, 2017)
Next on my list is a fascinating attempt to stage Schoenberg’s Gurre-Lieder for the first time, by Pierre Audi in Amsterdam (filmed 2014). For this monumental cantata, Audi draws in multiple historical strands to present the work as a dramatic entity. He sets it in a massive and gloomy galleried hall, where Waldemar (tenor) and his mistress Tove (soprano) sing their many songs in Part I almost as an extended metaphysical duet, reminiscent of Tristan und Isolde. Visually there is an air of decayed grandeur which intensifies as the music approaches its third and final part, echoing the period between 1900 and 1913, during which Schoenberg composed the piece, …

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