Carl Orff: Carmina Burana – Mühlemann, Schade, Werba, Luisi

Carl Orff (1895-1982)
Carmina Burana, cantate scénique

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi
I Primo Vere
Uf dem Ange
In Taberna
Cour d’amour
Balzifor et Helena

Regula Mühlemann, soprano
Michael Schade, ténor
Markus Werba, baryton
Coro del Teatro La Fenice
Piccoli Cantori Veneziani
Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice
Fabio Luisi, direction

Format: 1 DVD Video
Release date: 1/9/2023
SKU: 0810116910236 Categories: ,



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