Cavalli : La Didone. Bonitatibus, Spicer, Sabata, Les Arts Florissants, Christie.

Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676)
La Didone

Anna Bonitatibus
Kresimir Spicer
Xavier Sabata
Les Arts Florissants
William Christie, direction
Clément Hervieu-Léger, mise en scène

Format: 1 Blu-ray Disc
Release date: 1/8/2012
SKU: 0809478071068 Categories: ,


   in Opera Now (Oct, 2012)
Here’s the other side of the Cavalli coin, an intense drama shot through with rather too occasional bits of light relief. William Christie was a Cavalli novice when he took on the composer’s early (1641) opera, scripted by the same Busenello who wrote Poppea. And you can’t help feeling that the foolery of Giasone is more congenial to Cavalli, though his first act is rather a marvel of dramatic gloom, an hour of unremitting, tormented recit sometimes flowering into a chromatic-bass lament and played with real focus and intent by Christie’s band. Clément Hervieu-Léger, a young Comédie-Française actor, provides the staging, which is one of those anguished-clutching numbers that fairly quickly …

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