Crossing Brooklyn Ferry – Stephane Furic

Song of the rolling earth
Song of the redwood tree
Suite of dances [Part 1] (Vinegar Hill meeting)
Suite of dances [Part 2] (Sha’rani black)
Suite of dances [Part 3] (City of glass)
Suite of dances [Part 4] (The garden of the Aleph)
Suite of dances [Part 5] (Symphonies)
Suite of dances [Part 6] (X D (Suburban chant))
Suite of dances [Part 7] (Fulton landing)
Song of the answerer
Song of the open road
Song of the universal
Evening prayer

Stephane Furic

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 22/6/2015
SKU: 0027312127522 Categories: ,



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