Elation: Works by Gideon, Jaffe, and Lindroth

Scott Lindroth

Stephen Jaffe
Four Pieces Quasi Sonata

I. Paysage
II. Dialogue of figures
III. Solo
IV. Tornello

Miriam Gideon
Creature to Creature

I. The Fly
II. Spider
III. Snake
IV. Firefly
V. Hoot-owl
VI. L’Envoi

Stephen Jaffe

Laura Gilbert, flûte alto
Jonathan Bagg, alto
Daniel Lippel, guitare
Jonathan Bagg, alto
Donald Berman, piano
Elizabeth Shammash, mezzo-soprano
Laura Gilbert, flûte
Stacey Shames, harpe
Laura Gilbert, flûte
Jonathan Bragg, alto
Stacey Shames, harpe

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/4/2014
UGS : 0034061148326 Catégories : ,



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