Ester Mägi: Complete Songs For Female Voice – Maarja Purga

5 Romances
Nr. 1 How could i sleep (Kuis voiksin magada)
Nr. 2 A memory (Mälestus)
Nr. 3 Beach swallow (Rannapääsuke)
Nr. 4 Wind (Tuul)
Nr. 5 The onset of happiness (Onne algus)
3 Romances
Nr. 1 Big and silent (Suur ja vaikne)
Nr. 2 I have a shelter under the sky (Mul on tare taeva all)
To the swing! (Kiigele!)
Words found a lovely melody (Leidsid sonad kalli viisi)
Leaves were falling (Lehed langs’sid)
A Snowflake (Lumehelbeke)
Cheating Old Nick (Vanatühja petmine)
White Ball (Valge pall)
Two songs to words by Ernst Enno (Kaks laulu Ernst Enno sonadele)
Nr. 1 Up there (Sääl korgel)
Nr. 2 Bind the eyes! (Köitke kinni!)
Songs to Poetry by Betti Alver (Laulud Betti Alveri luulega)
Nr. 1 Wooden overcoat (Puust palitu)
Nr. 2 Again and again (Jälle ja jälle)
Nr. 3 The Birds were laughing ( Linnud naersid)
Three Seto Fairytale Songs ( Kolm setu muinasjutulaulu)
Nr. 1 The singing tree (Laulev puu)
Nr. 2 A lullaby (Uinutamisaul)
Nr. 3 The Orphan of a Cuckoo (Vaeslaps käoks)
Night Shades (Ööholmad)
Two Songs (Kaks laulu für Sopran oder Mezzo-Sopran, Violoncello und Klavier)
Nr. 1 Night (Öö)
Nr. 2 With eyes closed (Silmil suletuil)
The Marian Fern (Maarjasonajalg) for Soprano, Flute and Piano
Herding calls) Huiked) for Soprano, Flute and Guitar
Songs from the fields (Pollul laulmine)
1. Moderato – 2. Andante tenuto – 3. Largo – 4. Allegro – 5. Rubato – 6. Allegro giocoso

Maarja Purga, Sten Lassmann, Valle-Rasmus Roots, Mari-Liis Vind, Kirill Ogorodnikov

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 4/10/2024
UGS : 5060113447418 Catégories : , ,



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