Haendel : Rinaldo. Prina, Dantone.

George Frideric Handel : Rinaldo

Sonia Prina – Anett Fritsch – Brenda Rae – Luca Pisaroni – Varduhi Abrahamyan – Tim Mead – Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment – Ottavio Datone

Format: 1 DVD Video
Release date: 1/8/2012
SKU: 0809478010814 Categories: ,


   in Classical Music (Aug, 2012)
Carsen’s slyly-funny, bold-conceived production pits the school-age lovers against saracen teachers and their St Trinians sirens. Music-making is superb, surely vintage-Glyndebourne; the leads are well-cast and the OAE responds electrically to Dantone’s direction. The high-definition cameras miss nothing, and this easily becomes the prime recommendation for this opera in this format. …

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