Harp’s Desire: Harp Music of David S. Lefkowitz

David Lefkowitz
…Who Write on Clouds…
On Hearing Her Play the Harp
Before the Solstice

I. Ritual Dance
II. Sunrise Song

Ancient Rituals, Distant Landscapes

Con/Sol (-ation)

Calder’s Closet

Andrea Thiele, harpe
Elizabeth Buck, flûte’ Paul Coletti, alto
Grace Cloutier, harpe
Kyunghee Kim-Sutre, harpe
Guillaume Sutre, violon
Kyunghee Kim-Sutre, harpe
Guillaume Sutre, violon
Jonathan Sacdalam, clarinette
Andrea Thiele, harpe
Elizabeth Buck, flûte
Eri Shimoda, harpe
Andrea Thiele, harpe
Julie Long, flûte
Carter Dewberry, violoncelle
Liesl Erman, harpe
Walter Ponce, piano
Kenneth McGrath, vibraphone
Ariel Campos, percussion

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/6/2014
UGS : 0034061149927 Catégories : ,



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