Haydn J.M. : Der Kampf der Busse und Bekehrung, oratorio. Hamsavi, Scholl, Vashegyi.

Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806)
Der Kampf der Busse und Bekehrung, oratorio

Lasse Jesu von dem Leben
Der Sünden Straf
Wend ich mein Aug
O schwerer Fall
Uns erhalte, uns regiere
Verfluchtet sei
Jesu, der den Tod besiegt
Des Satans
Es ist nicht g’nug
Wo ist die Frömmigkeit
Gedenk an Sinai
Zuletzt ertönt
O dieser Tag
Ich komm
Tritt Gottes Geist
Jesu Kreuz
Der Gläubige muss Kreuz
Die Schafe deiner Herde

Sylvia Hamvasi, soprano
Elisabeth Scholl, soprano
Tünde Szaboki, soprano
Zita Varadi, soprano
Maria Zadori, soprano
Chœur Purcell
Orfeo Orchestra
György Vashegyi, direction

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/6/2014
SKU: 4009350833517 Categories: ,


   in Choir & Organ (Sep, 2014)
Michael Haydn’s oratorio forms the freestanding middle portion of a three-part work whose outer sections were written by different composers – a not uncommon occurrence in the 18th century. It was composed in 1768 to show off the qualities of three Italian sopranos brought back to Salzburg by the Prince-Archbishop. Their modern day successors do a fine job with a libretto that is effectively a treatise on the importance of obedience to God and a warning to live a righteous life. There is some lovely music in this work: an exquisite aria with horn obbligato and a powerful depiction of the Last Judgment are among the most memorable. Vashegyi guides an …

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