Heggie: The Moon’s A Gong, Hung In The Wild. Songs By Ja

Henry Moore: Reclining Figure of Elmwood
Picasso: Head of a Woman, 1932
Winged Victory: We’re Through
Once More – To Gloriana
The Haughty Snail King
What the Rattlesnake Said
The Moon’s the North-Wind’s Cooky
What the Scarecrow Said
What the Gray-Winged Fairy Said
Yet Gentle Will the Griffin Be
Looking West – Sweet Light from Winter Roses
Barb’ry Allen
He’s gone away
Danny Boy
White in the Moon

Kirchschlager, Angelika

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 4/9/2015
UGS : 0822252234923 Catégories : ,



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