Henry Purcell : Les plus belles compositions de Henry Purcell

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
We sing to Him whose wisdom form’d the ear, Z 199
Prophetess, Z 627
How long, great God, Z 189
Not all my torments can your pity move, Z 400
Oedipus, Z 583
King Arthur, or The British Worthy, Z 628
Hears not my Phyllis, Z 371 “Knotting Mélodie”
Fairy Queen, Z 629
Avec him he brings
Tyrannic Love, Z 613 “Royal Martyr”
Sophonisba, Z 590
The fatal hour comes sur apace, Z 421
If Musique be the food de love, Z 379
Welcome to all the pleasures, Z 339 “Ode pour St Cecilia’s Day”
Now that the sun hath veiled his light, Z 193 “Evening Hymne sur a Ground”

James Bowman (contreténor)

King’s Consort

Robert King

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 22/1/2009
UGS : 0034571153032 Catégories : ,



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