in Classical Music (Feb, 2016)
Gaining popularity in recent years both in concert and on record, Bruckner’s motets at their best (as they are here) are complex, rich and beautiful. From the drama of Ecce Sacerdos Magnus to the refinement of Locus Iste, this selection of seven is ideal. Equally rewarding is the pairing with two late sets of Brahms motets and a handful of other works. Performances are everything we have come to expect from Tenebrae, likewise Signum’s recorded sound. …
Herbert Norman Howells: Howells From Salisbury – Newsholme
Flourish for a Bidding
St Louis comes to Clifton
Intrata no. 2
Rhapsody, op. 17, no. 1
Rhapsody, op. 17, no. 2
Rhapsody, op. 17, no.
Rhapsody no. 4
Sonata (no. 2)
Sonata (no. 2)
Sonata (no. 2)
Newsholme, David
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