John Dowland: Lute Songs – Damien Guillon

Can she excuse my wrongs (Galliard)
What then is Love but Mourning
Come away, come sweet love
Sir John Smith, his Almaine
Sorrow, stay
Burst forth my tears
Galliard to Lachrimae
Flow my tears
The eglantine branche
A shepherd in a shade
Away with these self-loving lads
The gilly flower
Say love if ever thou didst find
Fine knacks for Ladies
Awake sweet love
I saw my Lady weep
Mr Dowland’s midnight
Dear, if you change
Now, o now I need must part (Galliard)
Come heavy sleep

Damien Guillon, Eric Bellocq

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/6/2017
SKU: 3760014193347 Categories: ,



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