Otton Mieczyslaw Zukowski: Ave Magne Rex Coelorum, duos vocaux pour Noël – Kusiewicz, Wroblewska, Pecuszok, Pawluczuk, Kummer, Zarzycki

Otton Mieczyslaw Zukowski (1867-1942)
Ave Magne Rex Coelorum

Beautiful Maiden
Hasten! Shepherd boys
Let us all be merry
Last night
We were shown
Oh! Our Bethlehem star
What has happened to the baby
Today in Bethlehem
Joyous tidings
King of everlasting flory
Welcome little baby
Hi, Brothers, lo and behold!
Jesus Christ has been born
What kind of star…
They have come to Bethlehem
Hush little tiny Jesus
This is our Lord’s birthday
O, welcome our long awaited
Let us all go to the manger
Hey shepherd
The triumphant King of Heaven
A nocturnal silence

Piotr Kusiewicz, ténor
Marta Wroblewska, soprano
Pawel Pecuszok, ténor
Aleksandra Pawluczuk, mezzo-soprano
Przemyslaw Kummer, basse-baryton
Dawid Zarzycki, piano

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/11/2017
UGS : 5901741654031 Catégories : ,



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