Shani Diluka : Road 66.

Œuvres de Bernstein, Cage, Glass, Adams, Jarrett, Ginastera, Joo, Gershwin, Barber, Porter…

Shani Diluka (piano), Nathalie Dessay (soprano)

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 20/11/2013
SKU: 3760127222392 Categories: ,


Piano International (May, 2014)
This CD booklet calls Yvar Mikhashoff a ‘musical polymath’, an apt description for a pianist and composer who studied with Boulanger, worked as a ballroom dancer, edited Nancarrow’s music, commissioned Cage’s Europera 5, curated tango festivals and tirelessly championed 20th-century American piano music. This four-CD set, released to mark the 20th anniversary of Mikhashoff’s death in 1993, has its origins in the famous free ‘mega-concert’ he gave in New York in 1984 under the title ‘The Great American Piano Marathon: Seventy Works in Seven Hours from Seventy Years (1914-1984)’.

The discs, recorded in 1991/92 as he fought against the AIDS that would kill him, feature 62 works by 48 composers …

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