Sviridov: A Russia Flying Away. B. Tchaikovsky: The Last Spring – Shkirtil, Serov, Sechkariova, Feodorov

Georgy Sviridov (1915-1998)
A Russia Flying Away pour mezzo-soprano et piano

I Have Left My Beloved Home
Guard Above Clouds, Open to Me
Silvery Glittering Road…
A Russia Flying Away
Simon, o Peter… Where Are You? Come Near…
Where Are You, Ancestral Home…
There, Behind The Milky Hills
The Deathly Horn Is Blowing, Is Blowing!
Hark, An Owl Is Hooting Autumn like
Oh, I Believe That Happiness Exists!
Homeland, It’s A Happy And Imminent Hour!

Boris Tchaikovsky (1925-1996)
The Last Spring, pour mezzo-soprano, piano, flûte et clarinette

A Joyful Mood
Spring’s Movements
The Sun Is Up
Green Beam
Who Responded To Me

Liudmila Shkirtil, mezzo-Soprano
Yury Serov, piano
Adil Fedorov, clarinette
Natalia Sechkariova, flûte

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 1/1/2024
UGS : 4607053326581 Catégories : ,



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