Sweelinck : Œuvres pour orgue. Kelemen.

Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck : Œuvres pour orgue.

Joseph Kelemen (orgue Van Hagerbeer-Verschueren, 1643-1998, de la Pieterskerk de Leiden, Pays-Bas)

Format: 1 SACD Hybrid
Release date: 1/6/2013
SKU: 4260034866805 Categories: ,


   in Choir & Organ (May, 2013)
As Sweelinck’s two organs in the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, no longer exist, the now-famous Van Hagerbeer organ in Leiden is a fine choice. Restored to A417 Hz and meantone temperament, most ranks date from 1518 and 1643. Joseph Keleman has chosen mostly fantasias, toccatas and chorale-based works. Only the variations on Es ce Mars and the Paduana Lachrymae represent Sweelinck’s more populist genres. Original registration instructions no longer exist and this large 3-manual organ is potentially full of colours. Keleman enjoys the reeds, which are used in imaginative ways, and his early keyboard technique brings the music alive. …

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