Taverner: Gloria Tibi Trinitas – Contrapunctus

Gaude plurimum
Le roy Kyrie
Missa Gloria tibi trinitas: I. Gloria
Missa Gloria tibi trinitas: II. Credo
Missa Gloria tibi trinitas: III. Sanctus & Benedictus
Missa Gloria tibi trinitas: IV. Agnus Dei I, II, III
Ave Maria
Audivi vocem
Dum transisset sabbatum

Choir of the Queen’s College Oxford, Contrapunctus, Owen Rees

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 8/3/2019
SKU: 0635212057025 Categories: , ,


Choir & Organ (May, 2019)
Just as an expert make-up artist brings out one’s finest features and a mediocre one might struggle to mitigate one’s blemishes, the right sound engineer and producer can make a recording glow with health and vitality. Such impeccable recording values enhance Gloria tibi Trinitas, a collaboration between the highly accomplished singers of Contrapunctus and the developing voices of the Choir of The Queen’s College, Oxford. This glorious programme of polyphony by John Taverner offers much opportunity for contrast as delicate, sinuous passages of vocal chamber music open up into densely populated choral vistas. On a more intimate scale the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal sing works by Thomas Tallis, including …

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