The Complete Trumpet Ace & Checker Singles 1951-62 – Sonny Boy Williamson II

Eyesight to the blind
Crazy about you baby
Do it if you wanna
Cool cool blues
Stop crying
Come on back home
I cross my heart
West memphis blues
Pontiac blues
Sonny boy’s Christmas blues
Dust my broom
Mighty long time
Nine below zero
Mr down child
Stop now baby
Too close together
Cat hop
She brought life back to the dead
Getting’ out of town
Red hot kisses
Going in your direction
From the bottom
Empty bedroom
No nights by myself
Boppin’ with Sonny boy
I don’t start me talkin’
All my love in vain
Let me explain
Your imagination
Keep it to yourself
The key (To your door)
Fattening frogs for snakes
I don’t know
Born blind
Ninety nine
Wake up baby
Your funeral and my trial
Cross my heart
Let your conscience be your guide
Unseeing eye
The goat
It’s sad to be alone
Temperature 110
Lonesome cabin
Trust my baby
Too close together
Stop right now
The hunt
One way out
Nine below zero

Sonny Boy Williamson II

Format: 2 CD
Release date: 9/2/2018
SKU: 0824046323523 Categories: ,



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