The Tudors: Courtly Pastimes – St.George’s Canzona

Songs and dances from ‘Henry VIII’s Book’
Blow thy horn, hunter
Pour quoy
Whiles life or breath
Canzona Nr. 4
Whoso that will himself apply
Tho’ some saith that youth ruleth me
Instrumental consort
Time to pass with goodly sport
I have been a foster
Let us not that young men be
Le cueur est bon
Entre du fol
If love now reigned
The time of youth
And I were a maiden
Canzona Nr. 2
La volunté
Adieu, mes amours
Fa la sol
Hey trolly lolly lo
La mourisque

St.George’s Canzona, John Sothcott

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 23/10/2015
SKU: 0028948048656 Categories: ,



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