The Tudors, I Love, Alas – Purcell Consort Of Voices

My Lady Rich’s Galliard
Loved I am and yet complain of Love
I love, alas, I love thee
Lady, your eye me love enforced
The Countess of Pembroke’s Paradise
O fair, O sweet, when I do look on thee (Sonnet)
Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting (Madrigal)
Sing we at pleasure
All my sense thy sweetness gained (Sonnet)
Lock up, fair lids
Loth to depart
Ah, dear heart, why do you rise
My mistress lours (Sonnet)
My Phyllis bids me pack away
See, what a maze of error
My Lord Willobie’s Welcome Home
With two strange fires
Hope of my heart (Madrigal)
Never did any more delight
Come, shepherd, sing with me
My lute, within thyself thy tunes enclose
Of softly sining lute
Sir Philip Sidney’s Lamentation

Purcell Consort Of Voices, Grayston Burgess

Format: 1 CD
Release date: 17/3/2017
SKU: 0028948225705 Categories: ,



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