Wagner : Parsifal. Janowski.

Richard Wagner : Parsifal.

Christian Elsner (Parsifal), Franz-Josef Selig (Gurnemanz), Michelle DeYoung (Kundry), Evgeny Nikitin (Amfortas), Eike Wilm Schulte (Klingsor), Chœur et Orchestre symphonique de la Radio de Berlin, Marek Janowski, direction.

Format: 4 SACD Hybrid
Release date: 21/3/2012
SKU: 0827949040160 Categories: ,


   in Opera Now (Oct, 2012)
Parsifal dates from April 2011, and once again Janowski’s refined control of balance is a positive feature of a performance he paces with absolute command; throughout the orchestral playing is excellent. Vocal and dramatic standards, too, are at their highest. Franz-Josef Selig mines the role of Gurnemanz for significance. Michelle DeYoung is a passionately engaged Kundry. Christian Elsner’s Parsifal sounds like a good knight and true; Eike Wilm Schulte makes a dangerous opponent as the evil Klingsor. Evgeny Nikitin is the tortured Amfortas, Dimitry Ivashchenko the sepulchral Titurel. …

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